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Chapter 6: End of a Dream

While Wu Obi was still reeling from the bulging blue illness, a Servant arrived. Wu Obi: (Nobody loves me.) Servant: "Liu Bei has ordered Wu Obi as viceroy and shall form a new force. Wu Obi was granted power to assign missions and appoint ministers, to approve officer transfers and allow city based councils. They expect much from you."

Wu Obi: (There's no justice in this world.) Wu Obi: "Leave it to me."

With that, a viceroy has been appointed to oversee Jianning and other cities. Wu Obi: (I will rise up.)

Wu Obi: (If I rebel and raise my flag, I estimate that 10 officers would come to support me.)

Wu Obi: "Liu Bei cannot rule over this age of chaos! I, I, rise up and shall take this land myself!"

Wu Obi's revolt against Liu Bei in Jianning has succeeded, leading to the birth of a new clan.

Naturally, the Horse Captain has pissed. was pissed.

Wu Obi: (I, am, just.)

Wu Obi wasted no time and conquered a neighboring city by the name of Zangke.

The Horse Captain immediately responds by dispatching his best ponies.

Legendary battle ensues. Wu Obi feints a retreat, followed by a deadly flank.

Wu Obi's true power awakens. Ban-kai!

Enemy's reinforcement arrives, but Wu Obi doesn't care. He's in the zone.


Both sides die hard, but Wu Obi's troops persevere.

...And the pendulum swings in Wu Obi's favor.

Only the boss is left, and he's after Wu Obi's heart.

His intentions aren't romantic. His intentions are literal. Everybody flees.

Wu Obi: (I am justice. I will face him.)

Wu Obi's army finds courage. Wu Obi.

No one, will forget Wu Obi's legendary words in the very moment of victory. Wu Obi: "We won! How easy!"

Wu Obi congratulates his troops. Wu Obi: "Just wait. Next time I'll give it my all."

Wu Obi: "That is all. Thank you all for your support."

Soon after his inspiring messages a scout reports of another attack.

There's no time to explain, master Wu Obi requires assistance.

Wang Jun: "We will be victorious!" Wu Obi: (It's time.)

Wu Obi: "We march! Prepare yourselves!"

[The Battle for Zangke]

Wu Obi's elite units immediately slide into action.

Typical. Enemies walk right into Wu Obi's trap.

Wu Obi: "Commence Ring Formation."

Pony armies put up a desperate fight but it's no use.

Reinforcements have arrived.

But they weren't there to reinforce Wu Obi. Nevertheless Wu Obi's men does not falter.

Bodies of enemies continue to mount, until only two units are left.

Soon, only one left to go.

Suddenly, Zangke castle's massive gate swings right open, and reveals Xu Sheng's unit.

Somehow Xu Sheng had snuck in without being discovered, under the cover of night and distraction. Our hero, for the first time since becoming a hero, was in trouble. Wu Obi: (It's not too late.) Wu Obi orders tactical retreat and priority elimination of most proximate threat.

Were scouts compromised? Wu Obi can't be sure. Enemy's main unit reaches Wu Obi's surviving troops quicker than anticipated.

No one flees. The men overcome their fear, and meet their maker.

To the bitter end. Wu Obi: "Hmph! Simply no luck..."

Guan Xing: "I would regret cutting down someone of your talent. So will you not surrender and spend your days as an officer of Liu Bei Army?"

Wu Obi calmly watches Guan Xing and his long axe. Wu Obi: "No."

Wu Obi: (Surrender, and my men have perished for naught.) Wu Obi: "This is the end. There is nothing left to say."

Wu Obi is executed by Liu Bei in month 6 of the year 264..

Wu Obi's most loyal friends withdraw from Liu Bei's Army as a result.


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